Tests to check your Thyroid health.

Thyroid is a small gland in your neck with a shape of a butterfly that affects most organs of your body including your brain and heart. It secretes certain hormones that enhance the functioning of your body. The thyroid gland takes up iodine from the blood to make the hormones T4 (Thyroxine) and T3 (3,5,3’-Triidothyronin). When the brain orders the thyroid, it releases these hormones. However in certain conditions the levels of these hormones rises or lowers to give hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism respectively.

Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders

Lethargy and fatigue (tiredness) High blood pressure
Slowness in speech and thinking Irregular heart beat
Dry skin Hair loss
Constipation Weakness and sleep problems
Unexplained weight gain Unexplained weight loss
Feeling too cold Feeling too hot
Decreased hunger Increased hunger

Testing is now easy

  • T3,T4, and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test:
    The TSH hormone signals the release of T3 and T4 hence high or low levels of these can be seen in thyroid disorders like goiter Now in goiter you can see patients with a bulge in their neck, because of enlargement of the thyroid gland. The levels could also mean a vast number of other disorder and requires immediate medical attention
  • FreeT3 (FT3) and FreeT4 (FT4) test:
    Free forms of T3 and T4 mean that they are not linked to a protein. These tests are useful to check the effect therapy has had on a patient.
  • Antimicrosomal and Antithyroglobulin antibody test:
    In certain situations people also develop auto immune disorders where the body’s defence system starts attacking their own cells and organs leading to its destruction. One such condition is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis that affects the thyroid, wherein there is a rise in level of specific antibodies; which can be detected by this test.
  • Modern techniques like the Neonatal TSH and Ultra Sensitive TSH are faster and rapid ways of detecting thyroid disorders. Particularly Neonatal TSH is useful for detecting thyroid diseases in infants. Ultra Sensitive TSH is particularly more useful for the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism as it allows early detection of any rise in TSH levels.

Be smart be organized

This gland is small with minimal weight yet controls most parts of your body. Any affect on this gland could further trouble the remaining part of your body. To keep it healthy one major step that would be needed from your end is active participation in testing and diagnosis. This shall predict any disease that is about to come your way and safe guard you for a healthier tomorrow.