Osteoporosis- Capture the fracture!

World Osteoporosis day is observed every year on 20 th October, and the theme for 2018 is “Love Your Bones - Protect your Future”. The aim is to create global awareness about this condition affecting millions across the world.

What is Osteoporosis?

The term osteoporosis means “porous bones”. This condition affecting bones occurs due to reduced bone formation, excessive bone loss or a combination of both. It is estimated that there is a person suffering from bone breakage every 3 seconds because of osteoporosis.

Ignorance is a not always a bliss! A common phrase used by people while they ignore something. Although Osteoporosis often goes undetected , there are two symptoms that we should look for- s tooped posture and spontaneous fracture (without knowing how or why it happened).

Are you at risk? Few risk factors for Osteoporosis are listed below-

  • Advanc ing age
  • Certain race or ethnic groups are more prone
  • Low body mass index (BMI<21 kg/ m2)
  • Family history ofthe disease
  • Low calcium intake
  • Failure of the ovaries to function, at an early age
  • Menopausal transition
  • Smoking and alcohol use
  • Less amount of physical activity
  • Frequent use of oral or systemic glucocorticoids (medicines)

How common it is?

  • 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men over the age of 50 suffer from osteoporotic fracture.
  • Women are affected 6-8 times more often than men.

How is osteoporosis diagnosed?

Any person over 50 years of age, suffering from a hip, spine or wrist fracture should be evaluated for osteoporosis. Diagnosis can be done using the following methods:

  • Radiography
  • Bone densitometry (done to check the density of your bones)
  • Analysis of bone markers Prevention is better than cure! All of us know the significance of prevention. Few precautions taken early in life can help you avert the disease.
  • Have a nutritious diet with ample amount of calcium in it.
  • Avoid having protein malnutrition
  • Maintain an adequate intake of vitamin D
  • Participate in regular physical activity
  • Stay away from second-hand smoking
  • Avoid drinking and smoking

Dealing with the porous bone!

Osteoporosis doesn’t necessarily mean a life sentence. Certain medications and lifestyle changes can help you manage osteoporosis efficiently. V itamin D and calcium supplements can be helpful in dealing with osteoporosis. The goal of treatment is to enhance bone formation by stimulating the action of osteocytes or osteoblasts (cells important for bone formation).

“Choose a healthy lifestyle to boost your bone health!”