Hepatitis- Protect your liver from the yellow attack! Hepatitis:

It is an inflammation of liver causing liver cell damage leading to more adverse conditions such as liver cirrhosis ( scarring or deterioration of liver) or even liver cancer. It can result from both infectious or non-infectious factors.

Types and Causes:On the basis of causative factors hepatitis can be broadly divided into two types:

I. Viral or infectious-

These include 5 main hepatitis viruses referred as A,B,C,D, and E. Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) are transmitted by consumption of contaminated food or water. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) are transmitted through exposure to semen, infected blood, and other body fluids. While Hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection is observed in only HBV infected people.

II. Non-viral or non-infectious-

These include alcohol, auto-immunity, drugs, and other metabolic diseases.


  1. Dark Urine
  2. Pale colored stool
  3. Fatigue (tiredness)
  4. Flu like Symptoms
  5. Abdominal Pain
  6. Reduced appetite
  7. Unexplained weight loss
  8. Yellow ing of skin and eyes
  9. Nausea and vomiting
  10. Mild fever

Preventive Measures:

  1. A void excessive alcohol consumption.
  2. Avoid Raw or under-cooked shellfish and oysters.
  3. Drink purified water.
  4. Avoid direct contact with wounds or used materials of infected individuals.
  5. Undergo routine health checkup.
  6. Practice good hygiene habits.
  7. If traveling to countries where hepatitis is widespread, get yourself vaccinated.
  8. Avoid used toothbrush, scissors, nail files, razors and needles.


  1. Physical examination- Yellowing of skin and eyes, tenderness or pain in abdomen is analyzed by doctor.
  2. Blood tests- This includes detection of hepatitis virus or antigen specific antibodies in the patient’s blood. In case of viral hepatitis, anti viral antibodies are detected to identify the type of specific virus present.
  3. Liver function tests- Most effective test for assessing proper liver functioning. Different parameters such as enzymes, bilirubin, and proteins which are produced by liver are estimated. Increased levels indicate liver stress or damage.
  4. Ultrasound- Abdominal ultrasound helps in detection of fluid accumulation, gall bladder abnormalities , and liver tumor.
  5. Liver biopsy- It is a invasive process involving removal of sample of tissue from the liver to asses the effect of infection on liver.

“Its better to protect... than regret”