Can being over 35 affect fertility? “Having a child is a blessing, But can age hold you from embracing this joy...?”

Does fertility have any relation with age?

Fertility is defined as the natural ability to reproduce or give birth. There is a mild decrease in fertility in women in their late 20s, while a more appreciable reduction occurs after age 30, and fertility rapidly declines after age 35. Age related fertility issues are observed both in females and males.

Why does fertility decrease in females after 35?

Loss of oocyte (eggs)- You may be surprised by the fact that every woman is born with a certain finite amount of eggs! And this number is at its peak during birth and further declines with age. This decrease continues till the start of menopause i.e. a period marked by end of menstruation thereby an end of fertility.

Decline of egg quality- As the age increases the quality of egg decreases hence, older women have poor egg quality. Reason for this reduced quality is majorly due to some genetic instability. This overall reduces the likeliness of such eggs being fertilized. And even if they do fertilize, the risk of miscarriage, birth defects or abnormalities like Down’s or Turner’s syndrome are very high.

How to assess the quantity of eggs (aka your ovarian reserve)?

To assess fertility we have to check the levels of Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH). It is a chemical messenger produced by the reproductive organs of men and women. AMH levels is the best marker of ovarian aging. Ovarian reserve testing (AMH testing) can be performed for women older than 35 years, who have been unable to conceive for a period of 6 months or more.

Decreased levels of AMH during a woman’s childbearing years can be an alarming sign of low number as well as quality of eggs (low ovarian reserve). This reduces fertility resulting and even minimizes the response to IVF treatment. It may help in identifying abnormal functioning of ovaries (premature ovarian failure).

Decline of fertility in males!

YES! Like females Fertility in men also decrease after a certain age. Infertility is 30% more for men over age 40 years as compared as compared to those younger than 30.

The significant reasons for infertility includes :Low sperm count, poor sperm movement and abnormal morphology, Decrease Seminal volume, Sperm DNA Fragmentation (damaged sperm DNA).

Even though age is just a number! Respecting body’s natural clock is our call to enjoy the bliss that we are gifted with ...