A simple Hemoglobin test could be answers to many silent issues!

You may be wondering how a simple hemoglobin test can tell about your health? And more importantly what actually is this hemoglobin? Well, Hemoglobin is one of the essential component of blood. It is found in red blood cells. Many disease and disorders have direct impact on hemoglobin levels of our body.

When an easily affordable test is able to find out so many maladies, one can predict how worth this test is! Here are some symptoms that indicates the need of a hemoglobin test.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin:

  • 1. Increased heart beat
  • 2. Chest pain
  • 3. Pale skin
  • 4. Breathlessness

Symptoms of high hemoglobin:

  • 1. Increased sweating
  • 2. Headache
  • 3. Itchiness
  • 4. Exhaustion
  • 5. Abnormal weight loss

A hemoglobin test is capable of revealing various undetected conditions. Some of them are described below:

Blood and Bone related problems

High and lows in hemoglobin in bloodstream indicate the presence of bone marrow disorders (aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome). These disorders cause inaccurate production of blood cells. Blood cancers (leukemia, lymphoma) can also effect the number of red blood cells.

Insufficiency of Nutrients

Deficiency of folate, iron and vitamin B12 in the body can be detected by hemoglobin tests results. These deficiencies generally arise due to reduced dietary intake of these vitamins.

Kidney Malfunctions

Disturbance in the levels of hemoglobin is found to be caused when kidney does not function properly. In turn indicating kidney failure, kidney infection or tumor in kidneys.

Heart and Lung diseases

Fluctuations in the test results reflects the chances of lung and heart diseases, and infections ranging from minor to severe.

Internal bleeding

Sometimes a recent surgery can cause internal bleeding that may remain undetected. Hemoglobin test can provide a hint to the doctors about this blood loss.


A disease is easy to treat if diagnosed at the right time. In presence of symptoms that brings the focus towards any disease, one must not avoid or delay tests recommended by doctors at any cost.

“Diseases cannot be eliminated, though, early diagnosis and treatment can save a life”